by Cinzia Sarigu
The Day of The Dead
dom 01 de nov
|Online Shamanic Ritual
Mexican Shamanic Ritual

Time & Location
01 nov 2020, 6:00 p.m. – 7:20 p.m.
Online Shamanic Ritual
About the Event
The Day of the Dead is a very sacred time for cultures all over the world. It's a time of reflection, celebration and connection.
On this shamanic ritual we connect to the Mayan guardians of the day and step through the veil into the world of spirit, to honour the ancestors, receive guidance and healing, and celebrate life.Â
Opening circle
Invocation of the Mayan Spirits
Shamanic Ritual to connect to your ancestors and receive guidance
Day of the Dead special blessing for healing and clearing the path ahead
Group sharing
Closing Circle
The ritual is led by Cinzia, shamanic teacher specialised in the Mayan and Toltec msyteries.Â
The event takes place online on Zoom, you receive the log ins at the time of booking.Â
For the EARLY BIRD £3 discount ( valid until 17 October) enter coupon  "Dead" at checkout.
Day of the Dead
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